Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Day 11: Dresden

Modern Europe left Berlin today, arriving in what some know as "the Florence on the Elbe" - Dresden, Germany. After we had some time to explore the city's old town and grab some lunch, we headed for the heart of Dresden, the Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady). Here we engaged in some thoughts on the consequences of conflict in Modern Europe, and namely, the infamous firebombing of the city of Dresden, and therefore the Frauenkirche, during the Second World War. Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five may come to mind. And so, the group has yet another challenging legacy of the many pivotal twentieth century events to contemplate. 

Following our visit to the city center, the group used the remainder of the day as they saw fit. Some napped while others shopped, while still yet a few others simply soaked in the city's beauty. A brief rain shower cooled the night air just in time for the final activity of the evening - an open-air viewing of The Martian right on the river bank. The surreal backdrop and amiable atmosphere helped us to enjoy the movie through the very end. What a night! Pictures to come soon...